The Ten Quickest Third-Generation Fighter Jets
Reaching for the skies, these third-generation fighters were ahead of the Game in design. But it’s speed that counts and Military planes have always been the fastest. Generations of jet fighters are hard to differentiate. From WW2 Messerschmitt 262 designers raced to overcome the limits of wings and engines. Bigger engines help, but so too does weight and the airframe itself. Swept wings are mandatory, as are afterburners to break the sound barrier. Loosely defined by major advances in Technology is where jet-fighter generations fall. Although these definitions are not concrete leading to some cross-generational designs. The English Electric Lightning is a good example. Fast beyond belief thanks to twin engines, the Lighting at Mach 2.27 falls under the second-generation heading. In theory, a third-generation fighter “should” be superior to its predecessor. Except it isn’t guaranteed older MiGs on occasion have outperformed newer ones, ouch! Confined to a single gene...